Careers in Public Relations Management

Public relations managers oversee public relations practitioners and serve as a liaison between the public and their clients, who may be individuals or companies.

Managers usually specify in a particular industry, such as health care, or a particular area such as crisis management, and they run a program of publicity toward a particular audience, such as stockholders, consumers, special-interest groups, or the public. Every type of communication is used to carry out a publicity campaign.

In Focus: Starting Your Career in Public Relations

Managers work closely with top management in advising on economic, political and social issues and trends that may affect a company and advise firm’s on their image branding. They consult on advertising and promotions in relation to publicity campaigns and handle speechwriting, interview appointments, public contact, and information requests. P.R. Managers also handle events and activities to gain public attention, such as launch parties and racing sponsorship. Their goal is to gain press attention for their company in variety of ways.

Salary Range Information

Salary of top 25 % $106,440 and higher, median salary $76,450. Here’s a little more PR salary information:

Paths to PR Jobs

A bachelor’s and sometimes a master’s degree in public relations or journalism is preferred by companies for public relations management roles. Study in business administration, public affairs, political science and advertising are relevant in the field. Practitioners who have built up years of experience can take an exam to become certified by the Public Relations Society of America. Public Relations Managers often work closely with an executive level member of a firm and may move up into higher positions after experience as a P.R. Manager.


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